
This dialog is intended for the quick modem connection establishing. Its
distinguishing feature is call-back supporting.
A connection you want to establish is indicated in the "Dialing"
section. You can edit or create one if necessary.
All ISP's phone are indicated in "Phones" section. MyProxy will sort
them while dialing. Last successful number will be recorded and would be used
first with next dialings. You have to bear in mind one feature when adding
phone numbers: WinNt/2k/XP is using tone dialing ignoring all the settings.
So you have to indicate "P" prefix in order to dial pulse (as showed on the
Also the call-back phone number is indicated in "Phones" section.
(if supported by ISP)
Enter your login and password in "Authorizing" section. "Domain" field
is not used by most ISPs usually.
Service messages while connecting and a client IP-address (after connection
establishing) are displayed in the "State" section.