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Chapter 1. What is MyProxy?
Chapter 2. Using MyProxy.
Chapter 3. Main MyProxy window, managing.
Chapter 4. Internet dialer.
Chapter 5. Main options.
Chapter 6. Statistics.
Chapter 7. Viewing cache contents.

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    Main window displays current MyProxy state, current connections, working speed, statistics and also lets you control the way software works. The window is optimized to display the most important information and it takes as little space as possible.

"Main" tab sheet "on the edge" statistics.

High quality web accelerator with powerful pop-up & ad blocker and cache.

    This sheet displays what's going on at the moment:
"0:44" -- adjustable indicator. Displays current modem internet connection length in the current mode. It can display either Internet connection time (global or current connection only) or traffic amount (separate, global, or received).
"10.20" -- money spent (traffic and/or time).
"188" -- current modem connection speed.
There's a current connections window which you can see below i.e. what the browser is currently requesting from the internet. Using the right mouse button you can copy the request to the clipboard, left button -- cancel connection.
Checkbox in the lower right corner allows the window not to squeeze in the "shortened" displaying mode.

"Stats" tab sheet -- Main statistics.

High quality web accelerator with powerful pop-up & ad blocker and cache.

    Statistics is displayed on this sheet.
"Traffic" -- traffic summary for today / beginning of the month.
"Cost" -- general costs, spent on internet today / beginning of the month.
"Connections" -- amount of currently active connections (connections theirselves are displayed on the first sheet).
"From the cache" -- amount of information taken from the cache (in Kbytes) and cache percent.
"Banners" -- amount of found and blocked banners.

"Tools" tab sheet -- MyProxy managing.

High quality web accelerator with powerful pop-up & ad blocker and cache.

    Most usable functions are gathered here:
1. Proxy turning on/off
2. Cache on/off
3. Filter on/off
4. Statistics display mode (day/month)
5. Dialing button
6. Cache view
7. Daily statistics reset

Main Pop-up menu.

High quality web accelerator with powerful pop-up & ad blocker and cache.

    Main Pop-up menu allows you having a quick access to most parameters and dialogs of this program. You can easily turn on/off MyProxy, change caching mode and banner cutting, open a dialer, statistics and cache dialogs.

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