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Chapter 1. What is MyProxy?
Chapter 2. Using MyProxy.
Chapter 3. Main MyProxy window, managing.
Chapter 4. Internet dialer.
Chapter 5. Main options.
Chapter 6. Statistics.
Chapter 7. Viewing cache contents.

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Before installing.
    Before installing ask yourself a simple question: can I connect to the internet right now and open some pages?
    If your answer is "Yes", then you're ready to install MyProxy and make your websurfing easier.
    If your answer is "No", then you're not ready to use MyProxy. Please ask your ISP or network administrator about your internet connection details. Don't install MyProxy if you don't have an internet connection.

Installing MyProxy.
    Once you've got your MyProxy copy at the CD or downloaded it from the site, just install MyProxy setup and follow Setup wizard instructions. After installing, when you start software at the first time, MyProxy will automatically opens dialog with software settings and set all initial values in the optimum positions. The only thing you're necessary to do is to set up your Internet browser to work with MyProxy (in order to know how to do it -- look at "Browser" tab sheet, located in the "Options" dialog) and specify your proxy server details (which you used before MyProxy -- for example, your ISP or LAN proxy) at the "Proxy" tab sheet.

Running MyProxy, autorun.
    After installing MyProxy it puts itself in the autorun folder and creates a shortcut on the desktop. If you don't want MyProxy to start right after operating system loads, delete MyProxy shortcut from the autorun folder (Start -> Programs -> Autorun). If you want MyProxy not to show the main window during its start, but just an icon in the tray (near the clock), then select the "Execute minimized" option in the shortcut properties (on the desktop and/or autorun folder). You can get the similar effect running MyProxy with "/min" command line parameter.

Hidden mode running.
    It's possible to run MyProxy in completely hidden mode (without windows and icons). Add "/hide" (start without icon) and "/min" (start without window) parameters to the command line.

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